Nitrogen + Income Labs
By integrating your Income Labs and Nitrogen accounts, you’ll always have up-to-date account information inside your Income Labs plans allowing you to automate plan monitoring and management.
Start with the power of Risk Alignment…
With the Income Labs integration, you can seamlessly link households and assets across both platforms making it easy to tap into sophisticated analytics of holdings, accounts, and portfolios.
…and build the perfect retirement plan in Income Labs.
Once clients know their Risk Number and have bought into their strategy, they’re ready for an interactive plan. Give them visibility into that plan with Income Labs.
Integration includes:
- Link existing households and assets from Nitrogen into Income Labs.
Learn More
To learn more about using the Nitrogen and Income Labs integration, visit our knowledge base article.
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With our easy-to-use Tech Stack Builder, you can select the technology you use at your company, and receive step-by-step instructions on how to integrate Nitrogen with your existing software. Say goodbye to frustrating integrations and hello to a more streamlined and efficient workflows with Nitrogen!