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Measure and Manage the Growth of Your Firm with Nitrogen Ignite: Webinar Recap

About this session:

This webinar session covered the features and functionalities of Nitrogen Ignite, how it can be used to manage and grow a firm, along with its compliance and data management capabilities.

Insights Surfaced:

  1. Nitrogen Ignite offers a firm-wide integration setup that allows the entire book of business to be pulled in at once. It allows easy user management, enabling firms to quickly add new users.
  2. Nitrogen Ignite provides a wide range of tools for advisors, including proposal systems, portfolio analysis, retirement maps, risk questionnaires, dashboards, various insights tools and compliance monitoring.
  3. Nitrogen Ignite offers enhanced capabilities such as a check-ins dashboard to track client sentiment and Nitrogen insights to provide data on the entire book of business.

Meet the Speaker

Mitch Dunn

Mitch Dunn is a managing director for Nitrogen and an industry expert with nearly a decade of experience. As Employee #17 at Nitrogen, he has been there from the very beginning, witnessing the evolution of financial solutions and passionately driving innovation forward. With his insights and expertise, he has guided numerous firms to excel in today’s dynamic market.

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Takeaway 1: Nitrogen Ignite aims to help firms manage growth through data insights and compliance tools.

Mitch highlighted the challenges advisors face in managing growth, particularly in areas like compliance and data analysis. He discussed how Nitrogen Ignite aims to address these issues. “One of the insights that we heard…was compliance. It’s been soaking up so much time, soaking up so many resources for advisory firms that they can’t get back to their bread and butter meeting with clients, growing their book of business. So we’re going to address that with some of our tools today,” explained Mitch. He also emphasized the role of big data in growth strategies, stating, “We want to give firms insights and actionable intelligence into how they can grow their book of business, where there might be weak spots in their growth trajectory, and let’s help plug those gaps.”

Takeaway 2: Nitrogen Ignite provides insights on firm-wide data, aiming to aid decision-making processes.

Mitch showcased the role of Nitrogen Ignite in providing firms with an extensive range of data on their entire business. He underlined the system’s capacity to provide insights into aspects such as AUM, portfolio efficiency, the volatility of the business and more. “We just want to provide you with as much data and intelligence as possible, so that way you can make the right decisions for your firm to really drive growth across your entire book of business,” he stated. Furthermore, Mitch demonstrated how firms could analyze data at the individual advisor level, giving them a more detailed understanding of their operations.

Takeaway 3: Nitrogen Ignite allows firms to manage compliance and client sentiment effectively.

Mitch highlighted the compliance management features of Nitrogen Ignite. Firms can set up a compliance monitoring tool that allows them to identify and manage risk alignment drift. “We want to give you the tools where everything is just a click or two away,” Mitch stated. Furthermore, he revealed Nitrogen Ignite’s “Check Ins” dashboard, a tool designed to track the sentiment amongst a firm’s client base. Mitch suggested this tool could serve as an “early warning radar” for firms, helping them identify clients who are fearful, anxious, confident, or happy, and adjust their strategies accordingly.


Key Quotes Regarding Nitrogen Ignite:

  • “[Nitrogen Ignite] gives firms insights and actionable intelligence into how they can grow their book of business, where there might be weak spots in their growth trajectory, and let’s us help plug those gaps.”
  • “Firms have consistently been challenged with the idea that, hey, we don’t know how to actively monitor hundreds, if not thousands of accounts in our system effectively.”
  • “[Nitrogen Ignite offers the capabilities to] see all of your data, clients with risk numbers, total accounts, total AUM. It helps to track your AUM for you and benchmark you against other firms.”
  • “We just want to provide you with as much data and intelligence as possible, so that way you can make the right decisions for your firm to really drive growth across your entire book of business.”

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