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How to Get the Most Out of Nitrogen AI

According to the annual Nitrogen Firm Growth Survey, “bandwidth” is consistently the number one roadblock standing in the way of advisor marketing efforts. 

That’s why we created Nitrogen AI – to make marketing easier for the growing firms we serve.

Today, we want to look at some of the most popular ways advisors are using Nitrogen AI, and give you some prompts to help you get started!

What is Nitrogen AI?

Nitrogen AI is an AI-driven virtual marketing assistant that is embedded in our Advisor Marketing Kit. It’s available to Elite, Ignite, and Ultimate plan users and is powered by OpenAI. With a goal of streamlining communication for advisors, Nitrogen AI is a whole new way for advisors to create content quickly and easily.

3 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Using Nitrogen AI (or any AI, for that Matter)

AI is capable of creating full-fledged content, but there are some things to be aware of. Here are three important things advisors need to keep in mind when using artificial intelligence to create content. 

1. Always fact-check

AI has been known to make up facts and refer to sources that don’t exist. Usually, a simple Google search can help you determine what’s accurate and what isn’t.

2. Keep compliance in mind

AI tools don’t typically abide by all SEC and FINRA regulations, so watch out for the main compliance offenders: superlatives, performance claims, etc.

3. AI is a good starting place

Even with the best prompts, AI could never do a perfect job speaking on your behalf. Take some time to revise and edit the content it creates so it sounds like you and speaks to your specific audience.

Okay, now let’s move on to the good stuff! Here are seven ways advisors can use Nitrogen AI to help create content, as well as a few ideas for prompts to help you kick things off.

7 Ways Financial Advisors Can Use Nitrogen AI to Streamline Content Creation

1. Write outlines for articles

The most engaging articles online have a clear structure that makes them easy for readers to follow. No matter how good the content is, if your article is just a wall of text with no headers, sections, or bullet points, most of your site visitors won’t make it far before they click away.

Having a clear structure before you even start writing is one of the best ways to ensure you stay on-topic and cover everything you should. With Nitrogen AI, creating an outline is easy! 

Nitrogen AI Opening Prompt 1

Prompt to try:

“Write an outline for an article titled [TITLE] with at least 5 main points, an introduction and a conclusion.”

2. Write an introduction

One of the hardest things about writing blogs is getting beyond the blank page. If you’ve ever sat staring at a blinking icon on a screen of white (or black, if you prefer dark mode), Nitrogen AI can help you take that first step, which can help make the next steps a whole lot easier.

Prompt to try:

“Write an introduction to an article about [TOPIC] that includes a recent news item that is relevant to the subject.”

3. Come up with headline ideas

The headline is like the front door of any article. If you can’t get people to come in the front door, who cares how nice the house is? 

The worst thing is going to all the trouble of writing a blog only to have it fall flat and only get a few views. Sure, a great headline doesn’t guarantee results, but it can make a huge difference. 

In fact, studies show that an engaging headline can boost traffic by as much as 500%.

But headlines are hard. Enter Nitrogen AI!

Prompt to try:

“Give me five super engaging headline ideas for an article about [TOPIC].”

4. Write a first draft of a client email

If you’re like most advisors, you probably write so many client emails that eventually just writing a “Hi how are things going” email feels hard.

That’s why Nitrogen AI allows you to select “Email” as a content type. 

Nitrogen AI Email Opening Prompt

Prompt to try:

“Write a brief check-in email to a client from a financial advisor.”

5. Write a press release about a new hire

Growing your team is always good news. When you hire a new advisor, releasing a simple press release is a good way to increase visibility for your firm and increase brand awareness overall.

Nitrogen AI Press Release Opening Prompt

Prompt to try:

“We recently hired [NAME] to be our new [JOB TITLE]. She previously worked at [LAST JOB]. Include a quote from [FIRM FOUNDER’S NAME] explaining why he’s excited to hire her.”

6. Create social media posts based on a new blog

Promoting your blogs on social media is a great way to raise awareness, but sometimes it can be hard to come up with the right words to explain it – especially if you wrote it yourself! 

Nitrogen AI makes social media posts easy – it even adds emojis for you!

Nitrogen AI Social Media Opening Prompt

Prompt to try:

“Create a funny LinkedIn post promoting a blog post titled [TITLE].”

Use Nitrogen AI to Grease the Gears of Your Content Engine

As you can see, the possibilities are endless. Whether you write something every week or once a month, whether you’re a one-person shop or a larger team, it’s always nice to have another item to add to your toolbelt to help refine your process.

Communicating with clients is at the heart of what you do as an advisor, and with Nitrogen AI, we hope that you can do that more easily and more clearly.

Want to See Nitrogen AI Up Close?

Come see for yourself why hundreds of advisors are using Nitrogen AI to make marketing content easier. Click here to schedule a demo.

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