We’re thrilled to announce an even more powerful Black Diamond integration we’ve released in partnership with our friends at SS&C Advent. Read their full announcement below or explore new possibilities on their Nitrogen Integration Page!
The Power of Black Diamond and Nitrogen Unveiled
Over the weekend, our developers released a new native integration (Version 2.0) between Nitrogen and Black Diamond. We’ve been working with Nitrogen since last fall when we announced our partnership and an initial data-sharing integration. Since then, we set out to create a better experience for financial advisors leveraging the power of both tools to offer advisors a more comprehensive and unified solution.
We believe the path to a better unified solution is not limited to only improving the technology integration and so as part of the partnership advisors using Black Diamond can purchase Nitrogen as an add-on to Black Diamond and receive first-level support through their Black Diamond team, which can simplify and improve the challenge of dealing with multiple vendors.
The partnership between Nitrogen and Black Diamond allows advisors to:
Consolidate their technology into one centralized, integrated solution
Enhance client dialogue by incorporating Nitrogen content into reports and presentations
Monitor risk within client portfolios on a daily basis as part of the overall client dashboard Propose new portfolios to clients based on risk alignment goals
Streamline service/support by having a single point-of-contact for both platforms
The enhanced integration (Version 2.0) gives advisors Nitrogen’s powerful risk alignment tools right inside of Black Diamond so that they can seamlessly incorporate risk into their clients’ complete wealth picture. Nitrogen content now appears directly in the Black Diamond Wealth Platform including:
Client and portfolio Risk Numbers
Proposed portfolios based on risk alignment
Probability charts
Risk/Reward heatmaps
Contextual Single Sign-On to Nitrogen
This integration is just part of the bigger picture for Black Diamond as SS&C Advent continues to invest in delivering advisors a complete wealth platform with financial planning, risk assessment, outside aggregation, CRM, and access to managed accounts.
If you’re interested in adding Nitrogen to your technology stack, please contact your Black Diamond representative or learn more here.