

Effortlessly launch a remote meeting with just two clicks. Your client joins with a web browser, and you’re protected from sharing the wrong data with the wrong client.

Host a meeting from anywhere

Creating a meeting is simple. You install a plugin into your web browser one time — and best of all — your clients don’t have to install anything.

When it’s time to meet with a client, send them to, have them enter the six-digit code, and they’re in. Whether your client’s in Omaha or Oahu, virtual meetings are a snap.

Once you’re in, let Nitrogen do the talking. Go over anything from Retirement Maps, Stress Tests, Portfolios, and more. Walking your remote clients through a model or portfolio has never been easier.

Simple, safe, and secure

Accidentally click somewhere you shouldn’t? No problem. Nitrogen intelligently censors your other clients’ information so you’re always sharing the right data with the right client.

Meetings shares only what you want, and none of what you don’t.

Every tool at your disposal.

It’s never been easier to set expectations with clients, prove your fiduciary care, and grow your business.