Portfolio Stats

Portfolio Stats

Unleash your inner math geek with in-depth analysis of everything from modeled performance comparisons, sector breakdowns, regional exposure, and more!

Detailed portfolio analysis through the lens of risk

The beauty of the Risk Number® is how it empowers investors to stay the course during the short term so they don’t lose sight of the long term. But what happens when your analytical clients need more detailed analysis or reporting?

Detailed Portfolio Stats is data analytics taken to the next level. With a variety of tools ranging from modeled performance, sector breakdowns, risk/reward scatter plots, and data correlation, it’s the most effective way to analyze a portfolio through the lens of risk.

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Better data, better decisions

Powerful portfolio analytics help you analyze the data that matters so you can make informed decisions. From Sharpe Ratios, Beta, Drawdown, and everything in-between, Stats has you covered (TI-83 calculator not required).

Want to test a different mutual fund or ETF in a client portfolio? No problem — with Portfolio Sandbox, you can easily swap stocks or funds to test potential changes to client portfolios and immediately see the impact before implementing.

Compare everything. Clearly.

When it comes to portfolio comparisons, one size doesn’t fit all. That’s why we built Stats Multiview—a revolutionary way to compare investments side-by-side… by side… by side… and beyond. Whether you’re comparing a client’s current portfolio to a proposed strategy, stacking it up against benchmarks like a 60/40 portfolio, or layering in key indicators like SPY and AGG to highlight equity vs. fixed income, Stats Multiview provides the ultimate clarity for your conversations.

From demonstrating the superiority of your recommendation to showcasing Reasonably Available Alternatives for SEC compliance, Stats Multiview is as versatile as it is powerful. Use it to back your advice with data, explore multiple options, or simplify complex investment concepts for clients. And when it’s time to deliver the final report? The new layout integrates seamlessly with Reports Builder for a polished, professional presentation.

Uncover the full story.

With Stock Intersection, you can uncover the hidden layers of equity exposure within funds, going beyond the limitations of traditional analysis tools. From revealing underlying holdings to identifying concentrated positions, Stock Intersection empowers you to deliver deeper insights and guide every client conversation with unparalleled clarity.

Whether you’re helping a client see how individual stocks like Nvidia contribute to their portfolio or revealing concentrated positions that could impact their risk tolerance, Stock Intersection empowers you to tell the full story. Highlight key equity exposures, uncover risks, and provide actionable, data-driven insights tailored to each client.

Every tool at your disposal.

It’s never been easier to set expectations with clients, prove your fiduciary care, and grow your business.